Dusk at West End:- 1m Wigeon, 14 Mandarin, 6 Tufted Duck, 6 Gadwall, 72 Mallard, 2 Green Sandpipers, 1 Coot, 1 Little Grebe.
Month: November 2017
We continued to clear willows from an area of the south bank where we are planning to create a reed bed. We also carried out the regular tasks of: picking up litter; filling the bird feeders and updating the sightings list. Photos by Bob Stokes.
A group of Greylag Geese with a Canada/Greylag hybrid goose. It is the 4th from the left with a dark neck, whiter face patch and dark beak. The picnic area and meadow after recent grass cutting. Photos by Bob Johnson.

West End: 1 Little Grebe, 60 Great Crested Grebe, 41 Cormorant, 3 Grey Heron, 169 Greylag Geese + 1 Canada/Greylag hybrid, 1 Canada Goose, 3 Mandarin Duck, 6 Gadwall, 24 Teal, 26 Mallard, 1 drake Shoveler, 3 Tufted Duck, 6 Buzzard, 1f Kestrel, 9 Moorhen, 1 Coot, 12 Lapwing, 6 Snipe, 2 Green Sandpiper, 140 Black-headed Gull, 2 Common Gull, 1 flyover Herring Gull, 2 Stock Dove, 2 Kingfisher, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Meadow … Read the rest
West End:- 1 Little Grebe, 140 Greylag + 1 Canada/Greylag hybrid, 10m+2f Mandarin, pair of Wigeon, 4m+2f Gadwall, 19 Teal, 4 Tufted Duck, 1 Buzzard, 10 Moorhen, 1 Coot, 47 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 3 Green Sandpiper, 147 Black-headed Gull, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Pied Wagtail. There were also: Great Crested Grebes, Cormorants, Mallards, Pheasants, Wood Pigeons, Magpies, Crows & Jackdaws but no counts taken.
Around the feeders:- Robin, 2 Blackbirds, numerous Blue & Great Tits, 2 Marsh … Read the rest
Whillet’s Meadow:- 103 Reed Buntings came in to roost at the reed bed. They were coming in low and fast so no doubt I missed some. Sparrowhawk, Kestrel & Buzzard flew over. As did 4 Goldfinch & 3 Chaffinch, 50 Starlings flew north, 12 Fieldfare and several Redwings around.
West End:- 10 Tufted Duck, 6 Gadwall, 12 Mandarin, 7 Teal, 51 Lapwing, 3 Green Sandpipers, 2 Little Grebes, 1 Coot, 10 Pied Wagtails, 1 Kestrel, 14 Goldfinch, 5 Chaffinch, 1 Fieldfare.
West End:- 3 Green Sandpipers, 8 Snipe, 1 Coot, 7 Moorhens, 264 Black-Headed Gull, 2 Common Gull, 1 Little Grebe, 140 Greylag Geese, 2 Egyptian Geese, 3 Pintail flew west, 12 Teal, 1 Tufted Duck, 4 Gadwall, 8 Mandarin, 1 Kingfisher, 28 Lapwing, 2 Marsh Tit, 2 Coal Tit, 7 Chaffinch, 1 Goldfinch, 5 Raven, 1 Kestrel, 5 Buzzard.
Whillets:- 18 Song Thrush, 12 Fieldfare, 10 Blackbirds, 36 Lesser Redpoll, 7 Siskin, 3 … Read the rest
This morning a number of Blue Tits and Great Tits were rung. Other birds of note – Long-tailed Tit and Goldcrest. Other sightings: 2 Buzzard, Kingfisher, Marsh Tit and Bullfinch.
WeBS Counts
Dam End:- Started well with 4 Ravens seen in the Sailing Club Car Park when I arrived; but not a lot on the water. (Counts) 4 Raven, 29 Cormorant, 156 Greylag, 1 Greylag/Canada hybrid, 1 Mallard hybrid, 19 Canada Geese, 4 Herring Gull, 100+ Wood Pigeon, 1 Bullfinch.
Total reservoir counts: 82 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Grey Heron, 61 Mallard, 9 Moorhen, 2 Kingfisher, 4 Pied Wagtail.
West End:- 2 Little Grebe, 10 Mandarin, 6 Gadwall, 1 Tufted Duck, … Read the rest