This area gives specific information on species with detailed information regarding wildlife observations seen or records taken at the Nature Reserve.
Our list of BIRDS recorded since 2000 as at 2023 is HERE
We take records as they come. We have used species’ names in use at the time. We have included sub-species where traditionally recognised in the field. We have used the systematic order of the early 21st century.
An historical list for interest including pre-2000 records is HERE.
Our list of BUTTERFLIES and MOTHS is HERE.
Our list of ANIMALS is HERE.
Our list of FUNGI and Slime Moulds is HERE.
Our first fungus foray was held on 15th October 2017.
Please click HERE to see a report with a selection of photographs.
Please click HERE for the report on the 2018 foray.
The report on our 2015 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2016 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2017 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2018 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2021 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2022 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2023 Open Day can be seen HERE.
The report on our 2024 Open Day can be seen HERE.
A display of moths was part of the Open Day on 12th July 2015. A report with photos can be found at Moth Report.
Mandarin Ducks and other birds sometimes make unusual use of the nest boxes intended for them. See the report on Box C09 from 2015 – Nest Box Report.
Volunteers carry out butterfly transect recording at the Whillet’s meadows area throughout the summer which also includes moth sightings and records – See the butterfly report 2015.
We have occasional bird ringing carried out at the site. Please click HERE for the 2017 report; HERE for the 2016 report; HERE for the 2015 ringing report and click on the following link to see the 2014 Bird ringing report.