Join the Group

Friends of Weir Wood – Joining, Constitution & Work Parties

By joining the Friends of Weir Wood you will be helping support and maintain this beautiful Local Nature Reserve.  Benefits include a quarterly newsletter, access to some areas not publicly available (for which a membership card is provided), and the fellowship of a great group of people.  To join the Friends of Weir Wood click HERE.

If you are reasonably fit and want to get even more actively involved with supporting and maintaining the Reserve then see the Tuesday Work Party details below.

Please click HERE to see the Friends’ Aims, Objectives and Rules.

Data Protection
Please click HERE to see our Data Protection Policy and Practices.

Tuesday Work Parties:

These are always on a Tuesday and normally in partnership with our regular East Sussex County Council Ranger.

New volunteers are always welcome.  We try to make the work enjoyable and safe,  there is no pressure, you do not need to commit to turning up every week, just when you want. You are never asked to do anything you are not comfortable with. We have a regular friendly group, who make new members very welcome. Find out how satisfying and worthwhile it is to be involved with managing habitat and working with nature, and then get to see the wildlife rewards. We usually meet at the Legsheath Lane Hide Car Park at 9.30 and finish at 15.00, bring along a picnic lunch. However, you are just as welcome to come for just a few hours or a morning.  Tools are provided.  You should bring your own suitable working boots, old clothes and work gloves which are recommended.

Work is undertaken anywhere from the dam end right through to the west end of Whillet’s meadows.  Typical tasks may include:

  • Woodland –  General  management
  • Scrub – Clearing viewpoints, burning (winter bonfires are popular).
  • Hedges – Planting, trimming and maintenance.
  • Meadows –  General management.
  • Ponds –  Water and bankside vegetation control, stream clearances.
  • Reed bed – General management.
  • Structures – Maintaining Nesting Rafts, nest boxes, hide & seat maintenance etc.
  • Wildlife – Monitoring and recording.

 If you feel you may like to join in, please e-mail WORK for more information, and we can then confirm time and meeting place and be expecting you.