21 July 2024 – Open Day – details available HERE.

02 November 2024 Autumn Walk for members.
Our annual afternoon walk will take place on Saturday 2nd November starting at
13.00, meet in the Hide car park. We will follow our usual format – walking through
the Study Area to Pintail Point looking at fungi and other things of interest and then
on to Whillets meadows where if the weather is kind we may be able to offer some
bird ringing. Further details will be issued nearer the time.

TBC April 2025 Spring Walk for members – details to be confirmed.

TBC March/April 2025 AGM and talk for members – details to be confirmed.


Many thanks to those of you who have renewed their membership with the Friends for another year. For those who have not yet renewed – if we could give you a gentle nudge please? Membership is still just £3 per person. Remember that our Bank account changed in January this year – payment details are as per my Membership Renewal e-mail to you of 15 January. If you cannot locate this email please let me know and I will resend. I will be at the AGM, so I will be happy to receive cash or a cheque on the night if that is more convenient for you. Thank you.  

A report with photographs and lists of the species seen is available HERE.
Please click on title line or the “read more” item to see the post in full with the link to the report.