WeBS and Butterfly Transect
All reservoir totals:-  92 Great Crested Grebe, 11 Little Egret, 16 Grey Heron, 19 Greylag Geese, 36 Mallard, 4 Moorhen, 4 Kingfisher, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 14 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 3 Raven, 72 Goldfinch, 3 Bullfinch.
Dam End:- 1 Little Grebe on lagoon, 1+ 8 juv Tufted Duck on lagoon, 16 Canada Geese, 5 Egyptian Geese, 4 Common Sandpiper, 195 Black-headed Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3 Herring Gull, 1 Common Tern, 1 Collared Dove, 44 House Martin, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Buzzard, 1 Fox.
West End:- 35 Cormorant, 5 Mandarin, 3 Lapwing, 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Stock Dove, 2 Swallow, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Marsh Tit, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Terrapin.
Whillet’s:- 1 Kestrel, 3 Reed Warbler, 1 Treecreeper,  1 Greenfinch,  1 Reed Bunting, 1 Yellowhammer.
Butterfly Transect:- 14 Meadow Brown, 1 Speckled Wood, 2 Comma, 1 Peacock, 6 Common Blue, 2 Small Copper, 4 Ringlet, 13 Small Skipper, 1 Painted Lady, 38 Gatekeeper, 6 Green-veined White, 1 Holly Blue.
Also 1 Vapourer moth, 4 Shaded Broad-Bar moths.
Dragonflies:- 1 Beautiful Demoiselle, 1 Blue-tailed, 2 Emerald and 10+ Azure … Read the rest

West End:- 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing, Grey Wagtail, 11 Little Egret, 78 Great Crested Grebe, 8 Grey Heron, 30 Cormorant, 8 Black-headed Gull, Common Tern, 8 Greylag Goose, Buzzard, 10 House Martin, Blue Tit, 2 Long-tailed Tit, Chiffchaff, Kingfisher, Nuthatch, Blackcap f , Great Tit.
West End:- 6 Black-headed Gull, 2 Common Tern, 14 Cormorant, 1 Goldfinch, 71 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Great White Egret, 6 Grey Heron, 29 Greylag Goose, 4 Lapwing, 5 Little Egret, 6 Mallard, 1 Mandarin Duck, 4 Pied Wagtail.

Whillet’s Ringed:- 1 Reed Bunting juv, 1 Yellow Hammer, 2 Garden Warbler, 10 Goldfinch all juv, 1 Dunnock, 15 Whitethroat, 10 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 10 Reed Warbler, 2 Great Tit, 2 Blue Tit, 2 Wren, 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Willow Warbler.
Other sightings:- Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, 2 Kingfisher, Reed Bunting, about 30 Goldfinch and Marsh Tit